

The procedure of issuing a qualified electronic certificate consists of the following steps:

  1. A user submits to the Registration Authority Officer (hereinafter "officer ") dully filled and signed certificate request form - Form 1 (hereinafter „certificate request") with circled option "Issuing Qualified Electronic Certificates”, i.e. option number 1.

  2. The User also encloses two signed copies of the document – the General terms and conditions for providing qualified certificate issuing service (hereinafter " General Terms and Conditions for Qualified Electronic Certificates“)

  3. At the user's request, the Agreement on the issuance of a qualified electronic certificate (hereinafter: the Agreement) is then concluded in two copies. The user signs the above documents in the presence of the officer.

  4. After submitting the certificate issuing request and signing the Agreement, the Officer starts the procedure.  If the user specifically insists on entering an email address in the certificate, the officer shall enter the email address in the field provided for this purpose.

  5. In the process of issuing the certificate, it is necessary to enter the activation data "PIN code " which is known only to the user.

  6. It is necessary to allow the user to enter PIN code in person in the step "Enter PIN ".

  7. After entering the certificate into the ID card chip, the officer stores the request with one copy of the Agreement and the General Terms and Conditions for Qualified Electronic Certificates. He then hands over the user an identification card and one copy of the Agreement and General Conditions for Qualified Electronic Certificates. This completes the certification process.


The certificate renewal procedure includes the following steps:

  1. The user submits to the officer dully filled and self-signed Certificate issuance and renewal request form - Form 1 (hereinafter „Certificate Renewal Request") with circled option "Renewal of Qualified Electronic Certificates”, i.e. option number 2.

  2. Based on the certificate renewal request received, the officer starts the certificate renewal procedure, entering the user's email from the request in the field provided, If the user specifically insists on entering an email address.

  3. During the process of certificate renewal, it is necessary to enter the activation data (PIN code) known only to the user.

  4. It is necessary to allow the user to enter the PIN code personally in the provided step “enter the PIN code“

  5. After entering the certificate into the ID card chip, the officer hands over the ID card to the user and the certificate renewal request is further stored. In this way, the certificate renewal procedure is completed.



The procedure for unblocking the pin code consists of the following steps:

  1. The User submits to the officer the dully filled and signed request form for
    unlocking the PIN code of the identity card - Form 2 (hereinafter "Request form for unlocking the PIN code"). In the request form, the user chooses to keep the existing PIN code or to change it.

  2. By signing the request form, the officer confirms that the request is received and starts the procedure of unlocking the ID card PIN code.

  3. If the user has chosen the option to change the PIN, the user personally create the new PIN and enter it in the field provided.

  4. After the PIN code unblocking process is successfully completed, the officer hands over the ID card to the user and stores the unblocking request form in a safe place.


Qualified certificate status change

The user has the right, on the basis of a valid agreement and in accordance with the Law on electronic documents, electronic identification and trust services in electronic commerce to request a change in the status of the certificate. The status of the certificate can be changed from active to revoked and suspended. A suspended certificate can be reactivated, returning it to the active state. The certificate status change request form can be downloaded by the user here.

The certificate revocation procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. The user submits to the officer the dully filled and signed status change request form, with a circled option "Certificate Revocation" option, ie number 1

  2. The officer confirms by his signature that he has received the request for certificate revocation.

  3. After submitting the certificate revocation request form, the officer starts the certificate revocation procedure.

  4. The officer stores the request form and informs the user that  the certificate has been revoked, which means the permanent revocation of the certificate and its publication on the list of revoked certificates (without possibility to return it to the active state).

The procedure for suspending the certificate consists of the following steps:

  1. The user submits to the officer duly completed and signed change status request form with circeled option "Certificate suspension", ie number 2 .

  2. The officer confirms by his signature that he has received the request for suspension of the certificate.

  3. After submitting the request to suspend the certificate, the officer start the procedure of suspending the certificate.

  4. The officer stores the request to suspend the certificate and informs the user that the user's certificate has been suspended, which means the temporary revocation of the certificate and its publication on the list of revoked certificates.

The certificate reactivation procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. The user submits to the officer the duly filled and signed status change request
    form, with circeled option "Certificate revocation", ie number 2 .

  2. The officer confirms by his signature that he has received the request to reactivate the certificate.

  3. After submitting the certificate reactivation request, the officer initiates the certificate reactivation process

  4. The officer stores the certificate reactivation request form and informs the user that the user's certificate has been reactivated, which means removing the certificate from the list of revoked certificates and revoking it in active status.


Prerequisites for software installation:


ID card software instalation (32-bit):

  1. Application for reading ID cards — Celik вер. 1.4.2   32-bit
  2. Middleware for ID cards — TrustEdgeID вер.  32-bit

ID card software instalation (64-bit):

  1. Application for reading ID cards    Celik 1.4.2 64-bit 
  2. Middleware for ID cards — TrustEdgeID  64-bit